24 January 2007


Some thoughts of an irritated and bored git deprived of internet access for the day

When asking someone out on a date, always remember that it’s you asking for this favor of sorts, not the other person you’re asking out. It’s their time you’re going to occupy. So to cancel once is fine, albeit a bit disappointing. To cancel twice is just plain rude and unethical! Seriously!

The thing is, the person you’re asking out has their own life. Most likely, once they’ve said yes they mean it. Unless something really important comes up, like their boss threatening to fire them if they don’t attend to something work related or somebody in their immediate family suddenly came down with a terminal illness. They also probably turned down other invites as well because they’ve already said yes to you. Even if those invitations guarantee an extremely fun time, like a luxurious weekend out of town at their boss’ expense or hanging out with really close friends (like the ones they’ve known all their lives that they’re almost relatives), they’ve opted to go out with you even if chances are, meeting you will be awkward or, worse, dull.

So you’re excuses, however valid, are irrelevant. It’s you who set the date. In the normal world we live in, that means you’re free as a bird on that day, since it’s you who volunteered that date. Whatever may come up after that should be second to this appointment, unless you’re an incubus of viral plague (lifted from Miranda Priestley) or you’ve developed a rather large and extremely unattractive wart on your face that even your mom refuses to call you her own.

Should you think twice about the whole meeting up because you’re shy or you don’t want to be bothered yet because your hectic lifestyle won’t accommodate a few hours of meeting someone new, then don’t even make the effort of setting a date. Don’t even bother! You’re just wasting the time of the person you’re asking out. And again most importantly, they have their own life for crying out loud! You can’t just invite, then say “Ooops! Sorry. I have something else on that day, let’s just meet again on this date…” then cancel again saying something else came up. It’s just not right. And most probably, your “hooking up” points have already gone down to negative because of this. Chances of things going well with this person will be difficult unless you resemble a Greek god who can get away with anything based on looks. Seriously!

Orange Git at 6:58 PM



at 11:32 AM Blogger Pen said...

This guy better look like George Clooney. Scratch that. He better BE George Clooney!

at 11:38 AM Blogger Orange Git said...

Or Diego Luna... or better yet, he better BE Rain!


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